Ryan Cordell
If there are any Latinists on twitter tonight, I need a Latin version of the DH slogan, "More Hack, Less Yack"...
Matthew Kirschenbaum
@ Morum hackus, lessum yackus?
Ryan Cordell
After too much time in VectorDesigner this weekend, I emerged w/a new logo for : what do you think?
Ryan's original THATCamp LAC seal
via TwitPic
Rudolf Ammann
Ryan Cordell
that makes sense-but this version seems dull-makes me a little sad to cut the pointer esp.
Ryan's revised THATCamp LAC seal
via TwitPic
Rudolf Ammann
Ryan Cordell
@ seal may be more important than the pointer-other suggestions for integrating traditional & tech?
Rudolf Ammann
Study for THATCamp LAC logo
Study for THATCamp LAC logo
via Flickr
Rudolf Ammann
Study for THATCamp LAC logo
via Flickr
Ryan Cordell
Opinions? RT : Remix #2 of logo by -- repost remix #1
Brian Croxall
@ryancordell I like #2 better than #1. Why not go for a QR code while you're at it?
Ryan Cordell
I actually worry that the QR code would worry many of our participants (not in the DH know): barcode = corporate
Brian Croxall
That's why I didn't like the barcode. It makes you seem manufactured rather than creative.
Amy Cavender
Thanks to for this amazing (transatlantic) LAC logo-don't you want this tshirt?
THATCamp LAC logo
via Plixi
julie platt
I really like this image. It reminds me of the seal of my alma mater, a small LAC. Great visual rhetoric!